43 – Mars Hill Music: Initial Thoughts and a Personal Update

Psalm 43

Psalm 43

Follow Up

  • How on earth could Bryan not like King’s Kaleidoscope?
  • Grant: Newsboy’s Clean is pretty good. Their song STAND sounds like 90’s Phillips, Craig, and Dean
  • Faithful listener to the show Spencer Parsons explains a bit more about the Proverbs tracks

What We’re Listening To



Not so much listening to all of this as it is new releases and initial thoughts


CCM News

Psallos’ album Philippians is dropping October 14th for Patreon subscribers and October 21 for everyone else. (HT Brad Beyenhof)

A Personal Update

Mars Hill

 “Oh God” by Citizens

In the valley, Oh God, you're near
In the quiet, Oh God, you're near
In the shadow, Oh God, you're near
At my breaking, Oh God, you're near

Oh God, you never leave my side
Your love will stand firm for all my life

“Because Jesus Christ is Alive” by The Sing Team

So we can rejoice
Though weʼre grieved by various trials for a little while
Because a genuine faith under testing
Brings honor and glory to our great King


Thanks for listening

The Balm of Gilead podcast is a member of the Tech Reformation family of podcasts. If you enjoy the show, please share it with others. We enjoy hearing from you, so join us on our Discord and let us know what you’re thinking. If email is more your thing, write to us at thereis <at> balmcast <dot> com. Thanks again and we’ll see you next time, Lord willing.

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